7 Chakras Beaded Bracelet
Beautiful seven chakra bracelet, made using the semi precious stones Amethyst, Sodalite, Turquoise, Green Aventurine, Yellow Aventurine, Carnelian and Almandine, each representing the seven chakras. The chakra gemstones are separated by metal rings with glass coloured crystals. The bracelet has an elastic thread string.
Amethyst High Grade Power Bracelet
Power bracelets consist of small spherical crystals strung together on a piece of elastic thread, which can then be worn on the wrist. The qualities of the particular crystal used will then influence you as you go about your life. By wearing a particular bracelet, you are inviting the energy of that particular crystal into your life
Black Onyx Power Bracelet
Power bracelets consist of small spherical crystals strung together on a piece of elastic thread, which can then be worn on the wrist. The qualities of the particular crystal used will then influence you as you go about your life. By wearing a particular bracelet, you are inviting the energy of that particular crystal into your life
Carnelian Power Bracelet
Power bracelets consist of small spherical crystals strung together on a piece of elastic thread, which can then be worn on the wrist. The qualities of the particular crystal used will then influence you as you go about your life. By wearing a particular bracelet, you are inviting the energy of that particular crystal into your life
Chakra Mixed Beads Bracelet
A bracelet made up of seven crystal beads representing the chakras which are: Amethyst, Lapis, Reconstituted Turquoise, Green Agate, Golden Tigers Eye, Yellow Acrylic, and Red Agate.
Clear Quartz Power Bracelet
Power bracelets consist of small spherical crystals strung together on a piece of elastic thread, which can then be worn on the wrist. The qualities of the particular crystal used will then influence you as you go about your life. By wearing a particular bracelet, you are inviting the energy of that particular crystal into your life
Garnet Power Bracelet
Power bracelets consist of small spherical crystals strung together on a piece of elastic thread, which can then be worn on the wrist. The qualities of the particular crystal used will then influence you as you go about your life. By wearing a particular bracelet, you are inviting the energy of that particular crystal into your life
Golden Tigers Eye Power Bracelet
Power bracelets consist of small spherical crystals strung together on a piece of elastic thread, which can then be worn on the wrist. The qualities of the particular crystal used will then influence you as you go about your life. By wearing a particular bracelet, you are inviting the energy of that particular crystal into your life
Green Aventurine Power Bracelet
Power bracelets consist of small spherical crystals strung together on a piece of elastic thread, which can then be worn on the wrist. The qualities of the particular crystal used will then influence you as you go about your life. By wearing a particular bracelet, you are inviting the energy of that particular crystal into your life