House Cleansing Clearing the Energy in Your Space

House Cleansing Clearing The Energy in Your Space

Refresh and Uplift Your Home or Workplace with House Cleansing - Clearing The Energy in Your Space
Do you feel a sense of heaviness, unease, or tension in your home or workplace? Or perhaps you’ve recently moved into a new space, and it just doesn’t feel like it fully belongs to you yet. Our surroundings are deeply connected to our emotional and mental well-being, and sometimes spaces can hold onto negative or stagnant energy. This energy might be the result of past events, previous occupants, or simply an accumulation of daily stress.
We offer a professional space clearing and energy cleansing service to help you refresh your environment, release unwanted energy, and create a space that feels peaceful, balanced, and aligned with your highest intentions. Whether it’s your home, office, or any other location, my service aims to bring in positive energy, cleanse away negativity, and create a harmonious atmosphere that supports your well-being.
Why do you need energy clearing?
Over time, spaces can absorb the energy of the people, emotions, and events that take place within them. If you’ve experienced stress, conflict, illness, or even just the daily grind in a space, it’s possible that negative energy may be lingering, affecting the overall mood and atmosphere.
Some common reasons clients seek space clearing include:
  • A heavy, stagnant feeling in the air that doesn’t seem to go away
  • Unexplained discomfort or tension in a space
  • Moving into a new home or office and wanting to start fresh
  • After significant life changes like divorce, loss, or illness
  • A desire to reset and uplift the energy in a workspace for productivity and positivity
The Space Clearing Process
Our space clearing and energy cleansing sessions are bespoke, completely customised to your unique needs.  We use a combination of traditional and spiritual methods to shift the energy of your space. During the session, we will work to gently release any stagnant or negative energy and replace it with light, positive vibrations.
Here’s what you can expect:
  • Consultation: We begin with a discussion to understand the specific concerns you have about your space and any particular areas that feel “off.” This helps me tailor the clearing process to your needs.
  • Sage Smudging: We use white sage, a powerful cleansing herb, to smudge the space and remove any unwanted energy. The smoke from the sage helps to purify and clear the air, releasing negative energies and refreshing the atmosphere.
  • Crystals and Candles: Crystals such as clear quartz and black tourmaline are placed in key areas of the space to absorb negative energy and radiate positivity. Candles are used to invite light and warmth into the environment, bringing in feelings of peace and clarity.
  • Spiritual Connection: For more deeply rooted energy, we connect to the spiritual world to guide any lingering spirits or energies to move on with love and light. This process is gentle and compassionate, ensuring that all energies are respectfully cleared.
  • Intention Setting: Together, we will set a positive intention for your space, inviting in the energy you wish to cultivate—whether it’s peace, creativity, harmony, or abundance.
Benefits of House Cleansing - Clearing The Energy in Your Space
Clearing the energy in your home or workplace can have profound effects on your well-being. After a session, clients often report feeling a sense of relief, renewed focus, and a lighter, more harmonious atmosphere. Benefits of space clearing include:
  • Increased positivity: Releasing old, stagnant energy makes room for fresh, positive vibrations.
  • Emotional release: Clearing negative energy can help lift feelings of anxiety, tension, or unease.
  • Enhanced well-being: A balanced, harmonious environment promotes relaxation, mental clarity, and a sense of peace.
  • Fresh start: Moving into a new space after a clearing creates a clean slate, allowing you to infuse the space with your own energy and intentions.
Whether you’re looking to refresh your home, revitalise your workplace, or simply want to feel more at ease in your environment,  our space clearing service can help. By removing old energies and welcoming in positive, light-filled energy, you can create a space that truly supports your goals, your happiness, and your overall well-being.
House Cleansing is £100 per hour, with two energy work specialists attending.  Generally, unless the property is very large/complex, a full House Cleansing will take two hours.