Reiki Training MP3 Download – Hatsurei Ho Daily Practice


This MP3 download guides you through your daily Hatsurei Ho practice, so that when you are learning about and developing your Reiki connection, you can use this recording as a support until eventually this practice becomes second nature.



The practice of “Hatsurei-Ho” consists of a sequence of exercises that make up your daily spiritual practice to strengthen your connection to Reiki and remain calm and balanced. 

  • Hatsu means to arise, to give birth, to reveal what is hidden or to emit.
  • Rei means spirit, soul or energy
  • Ho means dharma, ultimate truth or method.

We could therefore say that Hatsurei-ho means, “method to connect, emit to and reveal our innate spiritual nature.”

In other words, the practice of Hatsurei-Ho ignites and reveals your connection to Reiki, awakening and strengthening your connection to the energy. It allows Reiki to flow effortlessly through you, often referred to as “starting up Reiki”.

Through regular practice, Hatsurei-Ho refines your ability to channel energy, enhancing both your personal well-being and your healing practice.