Pack Information: 78 Card Deck and Guidebook
Card Dimensions: Roughly 9 x 12.5 cm (3.5 x 5″).
The 78 cards in the deck are read as archetypal aspects of the human experience that we may encounter within ourselves, with others or in the world. The beautiful artwork brings a new dimension to the Tarot and the four elements of the minor arcana.
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Pack Information: 78 Card Deck and Guidebook
Card Dimensions: Roughly 9 x 12.5 cm (3.5 x 5″).
The fairies are magical Earth Angels who help you fulfill your earthly needs. Combined with tarot – a time-honoured system to get detailed accurate answers to life questions – they bring you the best of both worlds! In the Fairy Tarot Cards, Radleigh Valentine (the bestselling authors of Angel Tarot Cards) focus upon manifestation of the supply and support you need to move forward with your life purpose, make healthful changes, adjust your priorities, provide for your family and bring healing to the planet. The practical wisdom of the fairies, inscribed on each of the 78 cards and explained in the accompanying guidebook will help you put your life on the fast track of Divine magic!
Create the reality you desire by changing your outdating beliefs
Inspired by the Healing InSight Method, this deck offers 56 cards with a variety of positive, chakra-oriented beliefs that will help raise your vibration and steer your mind toward healthy, affirming thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Each chakrea is represented by a main chakra image along with 7 chakra aspects, which affirm potent qualities that we are all able to access when balanced and in harmony within ourselves. The accompanying booklet explains the Healing InSight Method and provides for each card an interpretation and suggested action to work with.
The Gateway Oracle Cards by Denise Linn founder of the Gateway Dreaming Institute, are the keys to unlocking the ancient wisdom within you. They reveal a wondrous realm where you’ll discover what destiny has in store for you and also learn to give accurate heartfelt readings to others.
This deck and accompanying quidebook help you interpret the signs that are all around you, from nightly dreams to the coincidences, synchronicities, and symbols in your waking life. The Universe is always whispering to you, and the Gateway Oracle cards assist you in understanding these secret messages from the realm of Spirit. An enchanted voyage awaits you. The keys of the gateway are in your hands!
The Essential Tarot by Pablo Montt is minimalist in its design, taking the esoteric principles from the classic Waite Smith deck, the images are clean and clear focussing upon the symbolism. The clean clear imagery makes this deck popular with beginners to the Tarot as well as more experienced readers. A great addition to your Tarot collection.
The Flower of Life contains the seed of all possibilities, the essence of all desire. This powerful creative symbol which lends its name to this deck and graces the back of each card within it holds infinite divine potential. These cards are a portal to connect you with that very potential locked deep within you. Take a journey with Astar, a wise, loving energetic consciousness whose energy permeates this deck with incredible wisdom and insights to share to help you remember your true beauty and worth. Here is a star map of your potential. Astar holds the faith of your love and truth even when you have forgotten and constantly streams it to you through the light of our day star – the Sun and the sparkling stars at night.
Imagine… between the visible and the unseen is a guiding force that some call Spirit, the Holy Will, the Divine, the Field, or Consciousness. Using this card deck by Colette Baron-Reid will connect you to that larger consciousness and guide you as you travel along on the journey of your life.
The themes of these 54 cards represent some of the places you’ll visit, the conditions you may encounter, and the allies and challengers you’ll meet as you navigate a metaphoric map of your life’s journey.
Rich with symbolism and imagery – including angels, archangels, unicorns, fairies, and mermaids – the Angel Tarot Cards will provide you with inspiring guidance on your life journey. The accompanying guidebook walks you through the steps of giving an accurate reading for yourself or others and explains the general meaning of each card.
The cards in Elemental Power Tarot depict scenes based on the five elements – fire, water, air, earth, and spirit – that invite the reader to step in and explore the cards’ Divine wisdom. Rohan Daniel Eason’s expressive illustrations hold a treasure trove of symbols that offer visual clues to the messages of the cards.