Pack Information: 78 Card Deck & Guidebook
Card Dimensions: 9 x 12.5 cm (3.5 x 5 inches)
It’s not enough to receive answers – you also need courage, motivation, and empowerment to take decisive steps based on those answers. Now you can receive accurate messages in a gentle way and get the confidence to act upon them!
You’ll feel driven to move forward with positive life changes, with the help of the archangels who guide you in the Archangel Power Tarot Cards. Beautifully illustrated and inspiring cards.
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Pack Information: 78 Card Deck & Guidebook
Card Dimensions: 9 x 12.5 cm (3.5 x 5 inches)
Once, when we met, we would say the sacred words, Blessed Be, to wish each other blessings for the day, for the night, and for the profound turning points in our lives. This deck, in very simple, real ways, returns to you the holy power of Celtic blessings, providing a pathway to reconnection with the Divine.
Lucy Cavendish’s compassionate blessings bring hope, inspiration, understanding, and encouragement. Most of all, they offer a deep sense of belonging, the comfort of being seen, the reminder that you are a cherished and most precious being. For every one of life’s gateways, for all the joyful moments, and the challenges, there is a blessing to ignite your soul’s luminous, loving light once again.
Jane Starr Weils’ exquisite illustrations provide a unique feast of devotional treasures that will restore your spirit to the sacred, every day.
New-Earth Codes and Wisdoms for Our Ancient Future
Transform shadow into light, bridge duality and inspire heaven on earth through the practical and enlightening insight from Lemuria. Recall the past and glimpse the future. Expand your conscious awareness and behold the wonders of the greater world. This uniquely stunning deck from artist and author Izzy Ivy is infused with loving guidance, greater knowledge and encoded symbols to enliven the truth in you with the majesty of the Universe.
Fusing childlike innocence with all-knowing depth and strength in her characters, Izzy Ivy combines art with the spirit that dances her. Every image is seeded with subtle symbolism for the collective dreaming and keys to a deeper recall. Meet the Lemurians, connect with their energy and work with the macro-microcosm to reclaim wholeness and step into your light. It’s time for the remembering… it’s time to go Beyond Lemuria.
Imagine… between the visible and the unseen is a guiding force that some call Spirit, the Holy Will, the Divine, the Field, or Consciousness. Using this card deck by Colette Baron-Reid will connect you to that larger consciousness and guide you as you travel along on the journey of your life.
The themes of these 54 cards represent some of the places you’ll visit, the conditions you may encounter, and the allies and challengers you’ll meet as you navigate a metaphoric map of your life’s journey.
The Energy Oracle Cards are designed to reveal both the present energy you project and the results you are likely to attract. The unlimited power of your own consciousness is a vital force that moves through the Universe and plants the seeds of your destiny far and wide.
These easy-to-use cards will help you to understand what your consciousness is creating, as well as reveal any hidden blocks that may be delaying your progress. The information they bring will empower and inspire you, for it comes from heavenly messengers, friends from the spirit realm, and your own higher self.
The earth speaks to us in many ways through the spirits of her various elements. In this deck of 48 oracle cards created by Steven D. Farmer you’ll find descriptions and images of many of these earth elements along with clear and concise messages from the spirits of each.
Through the use of these cards, you’ll uncover sensible advice that will provide guidance for questions you may have about any aspect of your life. The enclosed guidebook includes easy-to-follow instructions as well as expanded descriptions and messages for each card, allowing you to give yourself and others accurate, meaningful readings.
As above so below complete edition – includes two tarot decks
In the “as above” deck, Tarot shows the universal face of the Book of Shadows, focusing on Wiccan beliefs, teachings and the Universe.
In the “so below” deck, Tarot shows the human face of the Book of Shadows, focusing on the day to day experiences.
Create the reality you desire by changing your outdating beliefs
Inspired by the Healing InSight Method, this deck offers 56 cards with a variety of positive, chakra-oriented beliefs that will help raise your vibration and steer your mind toward healthy, affirming thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Each chakrea is represented by a main chakra image along with 7 chakra aspects, which affirm potent qualities that we are all able to access when balanced and in harmony within ourselves. The accompanying booklet explains the Healing InSight Method and provides for each card an interpretation and suggested action to work with.
Harness the deep transformational power of crystals! This easy-to-use 52-card oracle deck makes the wisdom of crystals convenient and accessible, even when you don’t have any physical stones on hand. Just pick a card, and trust your soul’s intuition to unlock the clarity you’re craving, whether it’s about a relationship, finances, or work.