Information: 144 Pages, (Paperback)
Includes step-by-step meditations to help you meet your guardian angel for the first time
Learn simple ways to tune into your angelic guides and strengthen your connection with the angelic realms.
Connect with your angels using colours, flowers, candles, and crystals
Discover the signs and symbols that let you know your angels are nearby
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Information: 144 Pages, (Paperback)
Includes step-by-step meditations to help you meet your guardian angel for the first time
Manifesting is the powerful practice of sending your desires out into the universe and receiving your hopes, dreams, and wishes.
Manifestation master Nicci Roscoe offers a practical guide on letting go of the past, learning to love yourself, and starting to live your dream life.
The Monk who sold his Ferrari is the story of Julian Mantle, a superstar lawyer whose out-of-balance lifestyle leads him to an almost fatal heart attack in a packed courtroom. His physical collapse brings on a spiritual crisis that forces him to confront the condition of his life and seek answers to life’s most important questions. Hoping to find happiness and fulfilment, he embarks upon an extraordinary odyssey to an ancient culture, where he discovers a powerful system to release the potential of his mind, body and soul and learns to live with greater passion, purpose and peace.
The Celestine Prophecy contains secrets that are currently changing our world. Drawing on the ancient wisdom found in a Peruvian manuscript, it tells you how to make connections between the events happening in your own life right now and lets you see what is going to happen to you in the years to come. A book that has been passed from hand-to-hand, from friend to friend, since it first appeared in small bookshops across America, The Celestine Prophecy is a work that has come to light at a time when the world deeply needs to read its words. The story it tells is a gripping one of adventure and discovery, but it is also a guidebook that has the power to crystalize your perceptions of why you are where you are in life and to direct your steps with a new energy and optimism as you head into tomorrow.
Stop, take a moment, and breathe…
When you focus on the breath, you immediately bring your awareness to the present moment. It’s the first step in being more mindful. The meditations and mantras in the book will help you cultivate mindfulness through simple practices, and you’ll learn how to navigate the ups and downs of everyday life with greater ease and joy.
With this invaluable collection of mindfulness practices, you’ll discover how to:
The Crystal Bible has become the world’s favourite crystal reference guide, having sold over a million copies. The directory format enables you to find a known crystal instantly or to identify an unknown crystal. It covers the practical and esoteric properties of each stone, including spiritual, mental, psychological, emotional and physical effects, plus its use in crystal healing. Encompassing traditional and contemporary crystal lore, this book draws on Judy Hall’s 35 years of experience in this field. It is an indispensable reference for crystal lovers everywhere.
Develop Your Natural Psychic Abilities and Enhance Your Life
Have you ever wondered if you’re psychic? Have people told you that you’re intuitive? Do you sometimes have a sense that something will happen – and then it does? If so, you may be psychically gifted. This transformative guide will help you understand, develop, and strengthen your psychic ability – and use your power to enhance your life and the lives of others.
Open your heart and mind to the divine magic of crystals
For thousands of years, across cultures, civilisations and traditions, crystals have been cherished for their magical uses. From rose quartz to obsidian, topaz to amber – and even the most unassuming of seaside pebbles – the stones that we find in the natural world vibrate with potent energy.
Discover the wonderful world of crystals and how their powerful energies can change your life.
You will love the beauty of crystals, and crystal energies can help make things better for you at school, at home, and with your friends. You will learn about crystals and minerals and how to choose and work with the crystals you need. When you’re finding life difficult or worrying about things, like not sleeping well, tests at school, or making new friends, My Crystal Guide tells you which crystals can help you. Plus, there are heaps of fun ideas for games and activities to try on your own or with your friends.
If you have a crystal and don’t know what it is, you can look it up in the Crystal Finder chapter, which includes 101 crystals and minerals with clear photographs and an explanation of what each one can do.
So, what are you waiting for? Start your amazing crystal adventure guide now with My Crystal Guide!