And Breathe by Sarah Rudell Beach


Stop, take a moment, and breathe…

When you focus on the breath, you immediately bring your awareness to the present moment. It’s the first step in being more mindful. The meditations and mantras in the book will help you cultivate mindfulness through simple practices, and you’ll learn how to navigate the ups and downs of everyday life with greater ease and joy.

With this invaluable collection of mindfulness practices, you’ll discover how to:

  • Start everyday with self-care intentions and end each day with stillness and calm.
  • Pay more attention to, and savour, the good things in your life.
  • Stay in the moment, rather than dwelling on the past or worrying about the future.
  • Meet difficult moments with acceptance and curiosity, rather than fighting against them.
  • Positively impact your relationships through your mindfulness practice.


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Information: 159 pages, hardback